*Asterisk indicates the impact factor of the peer-reviewed journal
- Ammari, T., Ahn, E., Lakhankar, A., & Lee, J. Y. (accepted). Finding understanding and support: Navigating online communities to share and connect at the intersection of abuse and foster care experiences. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (*2.000).
- Presley, S., Lee, J. Y., Kaiser, M., & Su, Y. (2024). Innovative nutrition policies and programs to reduce low-income children’s sodium intake in the United States: Implication for social work. Social Work in Public Health (*2.313). https://doi.org/10.1080/19371918.2024.2444919
- Lee, J. Y., Yoon, S., Harty, J., Steinke, H., Chang, Y., Cha, H., & Xu, A. (accepted). Role of fathers in the well-being of children impacted by the U.S. child welfare system: Recommendations for practice and policy from a scoping review. Child Welfare. (Special Issue on “Fathers and Child Welfare: Conceptual Frameworks, Theoretical Foundations, Empirical Approaches, and Innovations in Research and Practice”)
- Yoon, S., Wang, J., Chang, Y., Lee, J. Y., Nho, C. R., Chung, I-J., & Schoppe-Sullivan, S. (2024). Profiles of father involvement among unmarried Black fathers and child social-emotional functioning. Social Development, 34(1), e12785. (*2.000). https://doi.org/10.1111/sode.12785
- Lee, J. Y., Yoon, S., Chang, Y., Cha, H., Radney, A., Xu, A., Landers, A. L., & Schoppe-Sullivan, S. (2024). Parental warmth of non-offending primary caregiving fathers rearing children in the U.S. child welfare system: Associations with children’s socioemotional development. Parenting: Science and Practice (Special Issue on “Contemporary Perspectives on Fathering and Father-Child Relationships”) (*2.300). https://doi.org/10.1080/15295192.2024.2425696
- Lee, J. Y., Ahn, E., Xu, A., Yang, Y., Chang, Y., Cha, H., & Ammari, T. (2024). Artificial intelligence in applied family research involving families with young children: A scoping review. Family Relations. (*1.700). https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.13090
- Lee, J. Y., Steelesmith, D. L., Chaiyachati, B. H., Kirsch, J., Rao, S., & Fontanella, C. (2023). Child welfare system-level factors associated with all-cause mortality among children in foster care in the United States, 2009-2018. Child Maltreatment (*3.051), 29(4), 684-699. https://doi.org/10.1177/10775595231177313
- Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. J., Chang, O. D., Albuja, A. F., Lin, M., & Volling, B. L. (2024). Low-income fathers are emotionally resilient: A qualitative exploration of paternal emotions across early parenting. Infant Mental Health Journal (*2.100), 45(6), 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1002/imhj.22136
- Anyibgo, D., Beal, S., Lee, J. Y., & Gottlieb, L. M. (2024). Addressing mental health and social needs in tandem to promote health equity. Pediatric Clinics of North America (Special Issue on “Innovative Approaches to Addressing Pediatric Mental Health in Primary Care”) (*2.100). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pcl.2024.07.018
- Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. J., Xu, A., Steinke, H., & Weiland, C. (2024). Development, acceptability, and initial implementation of an interactive text-messaging program for fathers with low income. Maternal and Child Health Journal. (*2.300) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-024-03983-7
- Shipe, S. L., Guastaferro, K., Ayer, L., Lee, J. Y., & Connell, C. M. (2024). Family structure and children's risk of child protective services re-reports. Child Abuse & Neglect, 154, 106915. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2024.106915
- Rao, S., Kang, J., Lee, J. Y., & Takeuchi, D. (2024). Disaster Preparedness Among Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American Communities. Disasters, e12649 (*2.400). https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12649
- Radney, A., Lee, J. Y., Xu, A., Steinke, H., Mengo, C., & Johnson-Motoyama, M. (2024). Racial and ethnic disparities in healthcare utilization among children in US foster care: Recommendations to challenge the status quo based on a scoping review. Children and Youth Services Review (Special Issue on Envisioning New Approaches to Child Welfare and Social Care of Marginalized Children and Families) (*3.300) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107687
- Gershoff, E. T., Lee, S. J., Lee, J. Y., Chang, O. D., & Taylor, C. A. (2024). Spare the dog, hit the child: Preliminary findings regarding parents’ beliefs about spanking and hitting children. Psychology of Violence (*2.800)
- Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. J., Oh, S., Xu, A., Radney, & Rodriguez, C. (2024). Family Stress Processes Underlying COVID-19 Related Economic Insecurity and Children’s Internalizing Behavior Problems. Child and Family Social Work (*1.700) https://doi.org/10.1111/cfs.13188
- Dellor, E., Allbright-Campos, M., Lee, J. Y., Bunger, A. C., Gadel, F., & Freisthler, B. (2024). Ohio START: An adaptation of the national Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams Model. Children and Youth Services Review. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2024.107575
- Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. J., Ward, K. P., Pace, G. T., & Chang, O. D. (2023). Shared parental responsiveness amongst fathers and mothers with low income and early child outcomes. Family Relations, 73(2). (*1.879). https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/fare.12913
- Yoon, S., Ploss, A., Hutzel, M., Webb, R., Hatfield, A., Lee, J. Y., Munshi, A., Radney, A., & McClellan, J. (2024). Parenting attitudes and behaviors among parents involved with the child welfare system and affected by substance use disorders. Child Abuse & Neglect (*4.800), 149(106657). https://doi-org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2024.106657
- Lee, J. Y., Kirsch, J., Presley, S., Beal, S. J., Xu, Y., Radney, A., & Denby, R. (2024). Racial and ethnic disparities in the physical health outcomes of children in foster care: a systematic review. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse (*6.400), 25(1). https://doi.org/10.1177/15248380221145911
- Yoon, S., Lee, J. Y., Yang, J., Wang, J., Zhang, Y., Kim, M. & Schoppe-Sullivan, S. (2024). Coparenting profiles and children’s socioemotional outcomes in unmarried parents with low-income. Journal of Marriage and Family (*4.917). http://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12952
- Nadon, M., Park, K., Lee, J. Y., Wright, M. (2023). Who makes the call? Examining the relationship between child maltreatment referral sources and case outcomes in the U.S., 2008-2018. Child Abuse and Neglect (*4.863). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106404.
- Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. J., Volling, B. L., & Grogan-Kaylor, A. C. (2023). Examining mechanisms linking economic insecurity to interparental conflict among couples with low income. Family Relations (*1.879), 72(3), 1158–1185. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12698
- Lee, J. Y., & Lee, S. J. (2023). Implementing a text messaging intervention to engage fathers in home visiting. Maternal and Child Health Journal (*2.319), 27, 1697-1704. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10995-023-03718-0
- Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. J., Yoon, S., Kirsch, J., Pace, G. T., & Schoppe-Sullivan, S. (2023). Family Stress Processes Underlying Material Hardship and Parental Detachment and Warmth Amongst Racially Diverse Fathers and Mothers with Low Income. Journal of Family Violence (*2.897). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-023-00583-x
- Lee, J. Y., Yoon, S., Park, K., Radney, A., Shipe, S., & Pace, G. T. (2023). Father-mother co-involvement in child maltreatment: Associations of prior perpetration, substance use, inadequate housing, and intimate partner violence with different maltreatment types. Children (*3.328), 10, 707. https://doi.org/10.3390/children10040707
- Lee, J. Y., Lee, S. J., Volling, B. L., & Grogan-Kaylor, A. C. (2022). Examining mechanisms linking economic insecurity to interparental conflict among unmarried couples. Family Relations (*3.082), 1-28. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12698
- Lee, J. Y., Ogilvie, T., Yoon, S., Kirsch, J., Koh, E., & Spencer, M. S. (2022). Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander children in foster care: A descriptive study of an overlooked child welfare population. Children and Youth Services Review (*2.519). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2022.106618
- Lee, S. J., Pace, G. T., Lee, J. Y., & Altschul, A. (2022). Parental relationship status as a moderator of the associations between mothers’ and fathers’ conflict behaviors and early child behavior problems. Journal of Interpersonal Violence (*6.144), 37 (7-8), NP3801-NP3831. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260520948514
- Maguire-Jack, K., Hardi, F., Stormer, B., Lee, J. Y., Feely, M., Klika, B., Rostad, W., Ford, D., Merrick, M., & Murphy, C. (2022). Early childhood education and care policies in the United States and their impact on family violence. Children and Youth Services Review (*2.519). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2022.106653.
- Maguire-Jack, K., Hardi, F., Stormer, B., Lee, J. Y., Feely, M., Klika, B., Rostad, W., Ford, D., Merrick, M., & Murphy, C. (2022). Early childhood education and care policies in the United States and their impact on family violence. Children and Youth Services Review (*2.519). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2022.106653
- Pace, G. T., Lee, J. Y., Schneider, W., & Klika, J. B. (2022). Supporting fathers to prevent child maltreatment: How paid family leave and child care subsidies are part of a public health approach. International Journal of Child Maltreatment (*3.051). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42448-022-00124-x
- Yoon, S., Lee, J. Y., Ploss, A., Benavides, L., & Kirsch, J. Engaging fathers in child welfare programs and services. (2022). In R. W. Denby & C. Ingram (Eds.). Child and Family-Serving Systems: A Compendium of Policy and Practice. Volume II: Approaches to Child and Family Protection: Core Opportunities and Challenges in Child- and Family-Serving Systems. Child Welfare League of America.
- Lee, S. J., Lee, J. Y., & Chang, O. D. (2021). Characteristics and lived experiences of modern stay-at-home fathers. In H.E. Fitzgerald, K. von Klitzing, N. Cabrera, J. Scarano do Mendonca, & T. Skjothaug (Eds.), Handbook of fathers and child development: Prenatal to preschool. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.
- Lee, S. J., Walsh, T. B., Lee, J. Y., Tolman, R. M., Garfield, C., Searbrook, R. C., & Singh, V. (2021). Men’s knowledge of anticipatory guidance topics: Results from a nationally representative survey. Academic Pediatrics (*3.107), 21 (5), 830-837. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acap.2021.03.015
- Lee, S. J., Ward, K. P., Lee, J. Y., & Rodriguez, C. M. (2021). Parental social isolation and child maltreatment risk during a pandemic. Journal of Family Violence (*2.183), 37(5), 813–824. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-020-00244-3
- Lee, J. Y. (2021). Child welfare reform: The role of federal court oversight in child protective service workers’ caseloads. Child Abuse Review (*1.354), 30(2), 155-165.https://doi.org/10.1002/car.2644
- Lee, J. Y., Chang, O. D., & Ammari, T. (2021). Using social media data from Reddit to examine foster families’ most pressing concerns and needs during COVID-19. Child Abuse & Neglect (*3.928). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105262
- Lee, J. Y., Pace, G. T., Lee, S. J., & Altschul, I. (2021). The associations of constructive and destructive interparental conflict to child well-being among low-income families. Journal of Interpersonal Violence (*6.144), 36(15-16), 7523-7546. https://doi.org/10.1177/0886260519835872
- Lee, J. Y., Volling, B. L., & Lee, S. J. (2021). Material hardship in families with low income: Positive effects of coparenting on fathers' and mothers' parenting and children's prosocial behaviors. Frontiers in Psychology (*2.990), 12, 729654. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.729654
- Lee, J. Y., Volling, B. L., & Lee, S. J. (2021). Testing the father-child activation theory: A replication study with low-income unmarried parents. Psychology of Men & Masculinities: Special Issue on Fathering: New Perspectives, Paradigms, and Possibilities (*2.948), 22(3), 551-563. https://doi.org/10.1037%2Fmen0000301
- Logue-Conroy, R., Harty, J., Lee, J. Y., Markovitz, L., & O’Gara, J. (2021). Doctoral students’ academic and professional network development: A collaborative autoethnography of students engaged in fathering research. International Journal of Doctoral Studies (*1.656), 16, 611-631. https://doi.org/10.28945/4869
- Yoon, S., Kim, J., Yang, J., Lee, J. Y., Langaigne, A., Wang, J., & Schoppe-Sullivan, S. (2021). Patterns of father involvement and child development among low-income families. Children: Special Issue on Family Risk and Protective Factors and Child Development (*2.087), 8, 1164. https://doi.org/10.3390/children8121164
- Lee, J. Y., Grogan-Kaylor, A. C., Lee, S. J., Ammari, T., Lu, A., & Davis-Kean, P. (2020). A qualitative analysis of stay-at-home parents' spanking tweets. Journal of Child and Family Studies (*1.016), 29(3), 817-830. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10826-019-01691-3.
- Lee, J. Y., Volling, B. L., Lee, S. J., & Altschul, I. (2020). Longitudinal relations between coparenting and father engagement in low-income residential and nonresidential father families. Journal of Family Psychology (*2.69), 34(2), 226-236. https://doi.org/10.1037/fam0000612
- Lee, S. J., Lee, J. Y., & Chang, O. D. (2020). Characteristics and lived experiences of modern stay-at-home fathers. In H.E. Fitzgerald, K. von Klitzing, N. Cabrera, J. Scarano do Mendonca, & T. Skjothaug (Eds.), Handbook of Fathers and Child Development. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-51027-5_32
- Albuja, A., Sanchez, D., Lee, S. J., & Lee, J. Y. (2019). Early paternal support behaviors moderate consonant smoking among unmarried parents. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (*2.616), 80(1), 129-133. https://doi.org/0.15288/jsad.2019.80.129.
- Albuja, A., Sanchez, D. T., Lee, S. J., Lee, J. Y., & Yadava, S. (2019). The effect of paternal cues in prenatal care settings on men’s involvement intentions. PLOS ONE (*3.24), 14(5). e0216454. https://doi.org/0.1371/journal.pone.0216454
- Lee, S. J., Walsh, T. B., & Lee, J. Y. (2019). Mobile technology in social work practice. In L. Goldkind, L. Wolf, & Freddolino, P. P. (Eds.), Digital social work: Tools for practice with individuals, organizations, and communities (pp.54-71). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Lee, J. Y., Gilbert, T., Lee, S. J., & Staller, K. M. (2019). Reforming a system that cannot reform itself: Child welfare reform by class action lawsuits. Social Work (*1.667), 64(4), 283-291. https://doi.org/10.1093/sw/swz029
- Volling, B. L., Stevenson, M. M., Safyer, P., Gonzalez, R., & Lee, J. Y. (2019). In search of the father–infant activation relationship: A person-centered approach. In B. L. Volling & N. J. Cabrera (Eds.), Advancing research and measurement on fathering and children’s development. Monographs of the Society of Research in Child Development (*2.245), 84(1), 50–63. https://doi.org/10.1111/mono.12404
- Klika, J. B., Lee, S., & Lee, J. Y. (2018). Prevention of child maltreatment. In J. B. Klika & J. R. Conte (Eds.), The APSAC Handbook on Child Maltreatment, Fourth Edition (pp. 235-251). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Lee, S. J., Pace, G. T., Lee, J. Y., & Knauer, H. (2018). The association of paternal warmth and parenting stress to child behavior problems. Children and Youth Services Review (*2.393), 91, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.05.020
- Lee, S. J., Sanchez, D. T., Grogan-Kaylor, A. C., Lee, J. Y., & Albuja, A. (2018). Father early engagement behaviors and infant low birth weight. Maternal and Child Health Journal (*2.276), 22(10), 1407-1417. doi:10.1007/s10995-018-2521-2.
- Lee, J. Y., Knauer, H. A., Lee, S. J., MacEachern, M., & Garfield, C. (2018). Father-Inclusive Perinatal Parent Education Programs: A Systematic Review. Pediatrics (*7.124), 142(1), 1-18. doi:10.1542/peds.2018-0437
- Lee, J. Y., & Lee, S. J. (2018). Caring is masculine: Stay-at-home fathers and masculine identity. Psychology of Men & Masculinity (*2.948), 19(1), 47-58. https://doi.org/10.1037/men0000079
- Lee, J. Y., & Harathi, S. (2015). Using mHealth in social work practice with low-income Hispanic patients. Health & Social Work (*1.115), 40(4), 1-4. doi:10.1093/hsw/hlv078