Evaluation of the Ohio START Project
Ohio Sobriety Treatment and Reducing Trauma (Ohio START), a family peer mentor-based substance use treatment intervention for child welfare involved parents, is the first in the nation to receive national certification from Children and Family Futures. Ohio START is a collaboration among child protective services, peer mentors, the courts, and behavioral health and treatment providers who work closely to help parents achieve sobriety and children to heal from any trauma they may have experienced. This research focuses on using pre-tests and post-tests family surveys in aid in the evaluation of Ohio START. The family survey will help examine the program's effectiveness in improving parenting, parents’ and children’s physical and mental health, and parents’ use of substance. Additional details related to the project can be found here.
- Yoon, S., Ploss, A., Hutzel, M., Webb, R., Hatfield, A., Lee, J. Y., Munshi, A., Radney, A., & McClellan, J. (accepted). Parenting attitudes and behaviors among parents involved with the child welfare system and affected by substance use disorders. Child Abuse & Neglect (*4.800).
- Dellor, E., Allbright-Campos, M., Lee, J. Y., Bunger, A. C., Gadel, F., & Freisthler, B. (under review). Ohio START: An adaptation of the national Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams Model. Children and Youth Services Review.
- Lee, J. Y., Yoon, S. H., Ploss, A., McClellan, J., Benavides, L., & Presley, S. (2022). Fostering positive parenting and healthy child development through the Ohio Sobriety, Treatment, and Reducing Trauma (START) program. Kempe International Virtual Conference: A Call to Action to Change Child Welfare, virtual, October 3-6, 2022.
- Yoon, S., & Lee, J. Y. (2022). Ohio Sobriety, Treatment, and Reducing Trauma (START) family survey: Preliminary findings. Ohio START Consortium, Virtual, February 3 & February 9, 2022.